Simona Chiavaccini Wedding Planner

Cookie Policy

We use cookies to make the site easier and more intuitive.

Cookies are small chunks of data used to carry out automatic authentications, trace sessions and memorise specific information on users. We use the data collected through cookies to make browsing our site more pleasant and efficient.

Cookies do not record any personal information on the user and any identifiable data is not memorised.

Cookies can be disabled by personalising the settings of your computer, setting the cancellation of all cookies or activating a warning message when cookies are memorised.

Just continue browsing to proceed without amending cookie application.

For additional information on cookies, go to

Cookies used by our site:

Essential cookies
These cookies are necessary to browse the site correctly and carry out all the functions fully such as compiling a contact form, which cannot be used if there are no cookies.

Performance cookies
These cookies collect information on use of the site, the pages visited any errors that may occur while browsing. They do not collect information which identifies a user; all information is collected anonymously and used to help us improve operation of the website. By using our site, the user accepts that these cookies may be installed on his/her device.

Functional cookies
Cookies enable the site to record the user’s choices (such as the name, language or area of origin) and provide advanced personalised functions. They also allow us to save your chosen settings to offer you a better service. The information collected by this type of cookie can be made anonymous and unable to monitor browsing of other websites.
By using our site, the user accepts that these cookies may be installed on his/her device.

How to manage cookies on your PC

Google Chrome
1. Click on the ‘Tools’ drop-down menu of the browser window and select ‘Options’.
2. Click on ‘Geeky stuff’, find the ‘Privacy’ section and choose the ‘Content settings’ key.
3. Now choose ‘Allow local data to be set’.

Microsoft Internet Explorer
1. Click on the ‘Tools’ drop-down menu of the browser window and select ‘Internet Options’ then click on ‘Privacy’.
2. To activate the cookies in your browser, ensure that the privacy level is set on Medium or below.
3. Use of cookies will be deactivated if the Privacy level is set above Medium.

Mozilla Firefox
1. Click on the ‘Tools’ drop-down menu of the browser window and select ‘Options’.
2. Select the Privacy icon.
3. Click on Cookies then select ‘allow sites to use cookies’.

1. Click the Cog icon in the upper part of the browser window and choose ‘Preferences’.
2. Click ‘Protection’, select the option ‘Block of third party- and advertising cookies’.
3. Click ‘Save’.

Cookies on Mac
If you want to allow the cookies of our site, follow the steps set out below:

Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 on OSX
1. Click ‘Explore’ in the upper part of the browser window and choose ‘Preferences’.
2. Scroll down until you see ‘Cookies’ in the File Reception section.
3. Select the ‘Don’t ask’ option.

Safari on OSX
1. Click ‘Safari’ in the upper part of the browser window and choose ‘Preferences’.
2. Click ‘Security’ and then ‘Accept cookies’.
3. Select ‘Only from the site’

Mozilla and Netscape on OSX
1. Click ‘Mozilla’ or ‘Netscape’ in the upper part of the browser window and choose ‘Preferences’.
2. Scroll down until you see ‘Cookies’ under ‘Privacy and security’.
3. Select ‘Authorise cookies only for the site of origin’.

1. Click ‘Menu’ in the upper part of the browser window and choose ‘Settings’.
2. Now select ‘Preferences’ and then the ‘Advanced’ tab.
3. Then select ‘Accept cookies’.

Google Analytics
This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service supplied by Google Inc. (‘Google’). Google Analytics mainly uses proprietary cookies to generate reports on the interaction of visitors with websites. These cookies are used to memorise information which does not allow the personal identification of users. Browsers don’t share proprietary cookies among various domains.
You can refuse to use the cookies by selecting the appropriate setting on your browser but please note that you may not be able to use all the functions of this website. By using this website, you allow Google to process your data for the purposes set out above.
You can prevent Google from measuring a cookie generated and linked to your use of this website (including your IP address) and the processing of that data by downloading and installing this plugin for the browser:


_ga Google Universal Analytics


_gat Google Universal Analytics


_gid Google Universal Analytics


wordpress_* CMS technical cookies  


Cookie policy updated on 24 May 2018.


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